• Free Music Monday, Memorial Day Edition: 10 Free Downloads

    Updated: 2010-05-31 16:57:17
    Happy Monday, music lovers! Thanks for tuning in for this week’s edition of Free Music Monday, where we give you 10 free tracks in honor of…

  • Will You Quit Facebook Today? [POLL]

    Updated: 2010-05-31 15:22:37
    Today is a day of reckoning for potentially millions of Facebook users; it’s Quit Facebook Day. The formal Facebook revolt was announced about two weeks ago amidst the…

  • Internet Explorer Vs Firefox

    Updated: 2010-05-31 12:57:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Internet Explorer Vs Firefox hasan Share The battle between internet explorer and firefox is going on in all the aspects , weather it sould be over design or where security matters.I'm user of firefox and IE both( having both browsers P one of my firend is good friend is using IE I tried to let him use firefox but he's in live with IE even personna did'nt work for him There isn’t an argument that Internet Explorer gets the most attention , mostly because IE is automatically included on all Windows OS . Firefox earned its reputation by word of mouth , ease of use and self-proclaimed better security . Internet

  • Pakistan Lifts Facebook Ban

    Updated: 2010-05-31 10:12:54
    Pakistan lifted the Facebook ban on Monday after Facebook officials apologized for offensive content and removed it from the site, at least if you try to access it from Pakistan. …

  • SEO Recap – Content is King

    Updated: 2010-05-31 03:54:22
    There is a saying: “Content is King”.  Your website’s content is where the potential to attract search engines lies, and your website’s content is what can convince your website visitors to convert to customers once they have landed on your home page. There are many ways to maximize your website’s potential, and ,enhancing your content [...]

  • 10 Free Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity

    Updated: 2010-05-31 00:19:05
    If you value efficiency and effectiveness, then your Android device should be your best friend. These tech toys are capable of handling all kinds of work and personal…

  • Bangladesh Blocks Facebook Over Satirical Images

    Updated: 2010-05-30 21:12:10
    The People’s Republic of Bangladesh has blocked Facebook in the wake of public protests against images of the Prophet Muhammad that were hosted on the social network. The block…

  • 5 Things the Library of Congress is Archiving Online

    Updated: 2010-05-30 17:56:16
    In 2000, the Library of Congress started a pilot web archiving project focused on the presidential election. After the Sept. 11, terrorist attacks in 2001, the…

  • 60+ Awesome Android Apps

    Updated: 2010-05-30 16:55:01
    Android users rejoice! With an ever-growing number of devices, a wide array of mobile carriers, and more free apps than you can shake a USB cable at, Google’s mobile OS has shaped…

  • Top 10 YouTube News Bloopers

    Updated: 2010-05-30 06:21:52
    News anchor fails are always hilarious, because they are a stark contrast to the usual poise you generally see from such professional figures.Here, we bring you a catalog of spoonerisms, giggling…

  • Are You Trying To Get Your Blog De-Indexed By Google?

    Updated: 2010-05-30 05:17:19
    No pun intended, but hopefully I got your attention. Do you own a Blogger Blog for your home business blog or do you own some micro niche sites or intend to create one in the near future? If you do, then do spend the next 5 minutes to read some important revelation. It could well [...]

  • Skype for iPhone Now Supports 3G Calling

    Updated: 2010-05-30 02:49:31
    There’s good news and bad news. The good: Skype 2.0 for iPhone [iTunes link] lets you make calls over 3G. The bad: After August, you’ll need to pay…

  • Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]

    Updated: 2010-05-30 00:31:44
    It may be the end of an era for Twitter trends, as Justin Bieber is nowhere to be found on this week’s list. Instead, American Idol champions the…

  • Twitter: 15 Billion Tweets and Counting [PIC]

    Updated: 2010-05-29 23:06:39
    Twitter has surpassed 15 billion tweets less than three months after it broke the 10 billion count.The above tweet, sent minutes ago from

  • Top 10 Stop Motion Videos on YouTube

    Updated: 2010-05-29 22:00:22
    <a href="http://api.tweetmeme.com/share?url=http://mashable.com/2010/05/29/stop-motion-videos/&service=bit.ly" Stop motion film-making is a labor of love, so consider this collection of 10 amazing mini stop motion movies a love song to the format.Encompassing music, graffiti, photography, computer…

  • WARNING: Facebook Malware Attack on the Loose

    Updated: 2010-05-29 20:05:14
    A Facebook phishing attack is on the loose this weekend — the third widespread attack on the site in the past three weeks. The attack attempts to steal your Facebook…

  • SEO Recap – Keyword Density vs. Readability

    Updated: 2010-05-29 18:07:56
    An ideal keyword density for a single keyword is 1-2% – in other words, a keyword used once or twice for every 100 words of text. When using longer keyword phrases, extened the parameters a little. When a higher keyword density os required, using a primary keyword phrase and two to four secondary keywords or [...]

  • 20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed

    Updated: 2010-05-29 17:33:34
    Congratulations! You’ve rocked another week. In addition to being seven days closer to your inevitable demise, it’s also likely that some critical social media resources slipped through the…

  • Fastest Way to Put System into Hibernation Mode

    Updated: 2010-05-29 10:15:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Fastest Way to Put System into Hibernation Mode Zain Share In Windows , Hibernation mode allows you to save power , and quickly access your desktop again when you need it . For notebook users like me it's a most liked and used feature that saves battery life if you move frequently with your machine . In Windows 7, by default Shut down is selected at the power button which offcourse can be changed if you use Hibernation the most . But still you need to click Start Menu to put the system into hibernation mode . I've found a way to create a single click shortcut for Hibernation so you can put the shortcut

  • Google TV Dominates Apple TV in Reader Vote

    Updated: 2010-05-29 05:00:54
    The war between Google and Apple has jumped from mobile to television, but which tech giant is going to win the hearts and minds of the web TV…

  • Amazon to Launch Thinner, Sharper Kindle to Compete with iPad

    Updated: 2010-05-29 02:57:32
    <a class='feedflare' href="http://www.google.com/reader/link?url=http://mashable.com/2010/05/28/amazon-kindle-thinner/&title=Amazon to Launch Thinner, Sharper Kindle to Compete with iPad&srcTitle=Mashable&srcUrl=http://mashable.com"Facing increasing pressure from Apple’s red-hot iPad, Amazon intends to fight back with a thinner, sharper and more responsive Kindle that will be introduced later this…

  • Thanks to Mashable’s Socially Savvy Supporters

    Updated: 2010-05-29 02:16:27
    Thanks to this week’s advertisers and partners for enabling us to bring you the latest social media news and resources. Mashable’s sponsors are as social media savvy as our readers! Advertise…

  • Travelocity Gnome Now Roaming on Foursquare

    Updated: 2010-05-28 23:59:01
    Already moonlighting on Chatroulette, the beloved Travelocity Roaming Gnome has decided to participate in the location-sharing movement as well, and will be updating followers about his exotic whereabouts on

  • PostRank Brings Real-Time Social Monitoring to Your Blog

    Updated: 2010-05-28 23:25:32
    Top Topics Twitter YouTube Facebook iPhone Google Video Google Buzz Ipad Mobile 2.0 Apple Advertise Network Blippr iPhone App Mashable France MashDeck Twitter App Mobile Site Social Media Events Twitter Guide Book Facebook Guide Book Partners App Development WordPress Experts MaxCDN Content Delivery Dynect Managed DNS OpenX Rackspace Hosting ConVerdge Communities About Us Submit a Tip Contact Us Submit News Contact Us Write for Us Spark of Genius Series Mashable The Social Media Guide Home Social Media Tech Mobile Web Video Entertainment Business Apple Jobs Social Media News Twitter Facebook Foursquare YouTube MySpace Google Microsoft Humor Culture Subscribe to Social Media Now Trending Apple Sold Two Million iPads in Two Months Share May 28, 2010 Christina Warren View Comments PostRank

  • HTC EVO 4G to Get Video Calling… For a Price

    Updated: 2010-05-28 23:05:59
    There’s good news and bad news for future HTC EVO 4G owners: Skype should come to the smartphone before the end of the year, as…

  • Mashable’s Ben Parr Discusses Privacy on Russian Debate Show [VIDEO]

    Updated: 2010-05-28 22:35:00
    Mashable Co-Editor Ben Parr appeared on Russian TV network RT’s debate show, CrossTalk, yesterday to discuss internet privacy and the user backlash leading up to…

  • Saving Database Space in DotNetNuke: Clearing the Search Index

    Updated: 2010-05-28 19:46:00
    : The Mighty Blog Saving Database Space in DotNetNuke : Clearing the Search Index May 28 Written : by Will Strohl 5 28 2010 Among the DNN sites that I actively manage is the Orlando DotNetNuke® Users Group ODUG website . 160 There are other user groups using our DotNetNuke® instance too though . 160 We have been having issues with the size of our database for nearly a year now . 160 Since this site is on a shared instance of SQL Server , we are limited in how large our database can get . 160 In order to stay below that limit , I have on many occasions cleared out the tables commonly know to cause this problem , such as the EventLog and SiteLog However , we were still living life on the edge of going over our limit . 160 Since this site doesn’t pay very much , I hadn’t looked much further

  • SEO Recap – Keyword Density

    Updated: 2010-05-28 17:48:41
    Once you have analyzed both your own website and your competition, you can move forward to actually working on your website, the first step is producing content. Copywriting is a skill, and if you do not possess it you should hire an accomplished copywriter. Beware of ‘SEO ‘ writers, as they often use keyword stuffing [...]

  • SEO Recap – Competitor Analysis

    Updated: 2010-05-27 18:09:43
    We have discussed thorough and complete website analysis as well as the different factors we have to take into consideration for website analysis. Next you must focus on competitive analysis as the next step to full optimization. While the main focus of concentration in website analysis was on our website, now the main concern is [...]

  • SEO Recap – Website Optimizing

    Updated: 2010-05-25 18:13:45
    After you have completed your full keyword research, analysis and selection process, chosen a domain name and perfected your SEO game plan, it is time to move forward to website analysis. It is impossible to simply leap in and start adding SEO tags willy nilly and get good results. Ask if your SEO firm does [...]

  • SEO Recap – Misspelled Keywords

    Updated: 2010-05-24 18:07:33
    Some webmasters advocate using misspelled words to promote traffic to your website. Other webmasters denounce the practice, leading to plenty of debate on the issue. Deliberately optimizing your content for misspelled keywords may eh considered by some to be a black hat trick while others say that it is not black [...]

  • Free Utility to Reveal Passwords Behind those Asteriks

    Updated: 2010-05-21 19:14:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Free Utility to Reveal Passwords Behind those Asteriks Zain Share Many programs and web sites that remember our passwords are pretty handy . We just click OK or Login button ignoring the password fields showing the asterisks covering the password . But what happens if we forget that password and need it again for something . We either didn't write it down or forgot where it was written or saved somewhere else . That's where Password Spectator comes in . Password Spectator is a popular password revealer that is FREE and extremely easy to use . It has simple interface where you have to float your mouse to the

  • SEO Recap: Keywords, URLs and Branding

    Updated: 2010-05-21 18:14:39
    There’s yet another consideration when it comes to keywords, your domain name and your url – and that is branding.  A common oversight when researching, analyzing and selecting keywords is forgetting to include your brand name or company name as one of the keywords. Most extremely small business websites including home based businesses will have [...]

  • Best Online Wizard-Like Web Forms Designer and Generator

    Updated: 2010-05-21 08:54:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Best Online Wizard-Like Web Forms Designer and Generator Zain Share To make a change in traditional and standard web controls' looks and styles every web designer comes up with new ideas and try to create something new that must look different from others . Stylizing button , input boxes , tables styles and everything similar can be designed form scratch by creating a strong CSS for these controls . Recently when I decided to create stylish CSS based input fields and forms for one of my software projects which I'm currently working on , I tried many methods to create unique input boxes but still was

  • Twitter search gets a little more powerful

    Updated: 2010-05-20 23:37:01
    Twitter search gets a little more powerful Social Signal Social media that comes . alive Skip to content Contact us today Tel . 604-568-8787 Twitter : socialsignal Home Blog Speaking Workshops Open SoSi Q A About Home Blogs Rob Cottingham's blog Twitter search gets a little more powerful Twitter is now an URLy bird Twitter search gets a little more powerful 20 May , 2010 0 comments by Rob Cottingham We missed this last week when ReadWriteWeb reported it but maybe you did , too . So here's something we've just . discovered A small but very handy change at Twitter s search engine , search.twitter.com means it now peeks inside the expanded versions of web addresses shortened using services like bit.ly and TinyURL The implications for you Here are : two Searching using your site's domain as a

  • SEO Recap: Keywords, Phrases and the Long Tail

    Updated: 2010-05-20 18:21:08
    After initial keyword research, brainstorming and analysis, you should have a long list of primary, secondary, popular and long tail keywords. You will need to prioritize these as you cannot optimize for every single keyword all at once – it is a gradual process, with content being added regularly. Should you even attempt to optimize your [...]

  • Ian Capstick interviews Rob on Open SoSi, humour and more

    Updated: 2010-05-19 22:47:50
    , Ian Capstick interviews Rob on Open SoSi , humour and more Social Signal Social media that comes . alive Skip to content Contact us today Tel . 604-568-8787 Twitter : socialsignal Home Blog Speaking Workshops Open SoSi Q A About Home Blogs Rob Cottingham's blog Ian Capstick interviews Rob on Open SoSi , humour and more Ian Capstick interviews Rob on Open SoSi , humour and more 19 May , 2010 1 comments by Rob Cottingham Long live face-to-face : one of the great things about conferences is reconnecting with old friends . I ran into Ian Capstick , a pal from my election campaigning days , at Northern Voice earlier this . month He pulled me aside and shot a quick video for his company's blog , MediaStyle We covered a lot of territory , much of it involving transparency and openness , in

  • How to Allow Only Specified Applications to Run in Windows 7

    Updated: 2010-05-19 22:04:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities How to Allow Only Specified Applications to Run in Windows 7 Zain Share To protect the system's integrity , some system administrators block certain applications to maintain the system in good health by keeping away unwanted users accessing critical programs that may harm the system . To block certain applications there is already Parental Controls feature to block programs . Using that you can block applications per users by selecting the user which you want to restrict using by adding the program in blocked list . But what about giving the users access to only specified programs or applications Suppose

  • SEO Recap – Keywords and Niche Websites

    Updated: 2010-05-19 17:56:19
    Keyword analysis can be quickly and efficiently handled on many levels by the SEO firm responsible for handling the overall campaign, but in an ideal world the  business owner rather than the SEO company should be the driving force behind the initial keyword analysis or keyword research process. This is simply because the business owner is [...]

  • 5 Easy Ways to Link for Trackbacks

    Updated: 2010-05-19 15:02:45
    Niche In Box Niche Keywords , Content and Products all in one place at one low price Powered by MaxBlogPress Internet Marketing Strategy Helping those who are ready to help themselves learn to make money online Home About Disclosure Free Resources Products Services Articles 5 Easy Ways to Link for Trackbacks 2010 May 19 by Jackie 1. Differing Opinions : In any niche there is always going to be a difference of opinions on one topic or another do nofollow links really count , do ride on toys really have benefits , should you use pop boxes in your garden , should a school lunch have 3 carbs in it Anything you talk about you’re going to find differing opinions . Use that to your advantage . Write a post on the subject , give your opinion on the topic , and then find other posts that have

  • SEO Recap: Keyword Analysis and Research

    Updated: 2010-05-18 18:00:13
    Keyword analysis starts even before you choose your domain name and remains a constant requirement for all SEO efforts over the lifespan of your website. Keywords are search terms and related words that people looking for a service or product similar to yours might enter as a query phrase. Once You Start Ranking for Keywords, [...]

  • RotatePDF: Free Online Service to Rotate PDF Documents

    Updated: 2010-05-17 21:22:00
    : About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities RotatePDF : Free Online Service to Rotate PDF Documents Zain Share You have an upside down PDF document . Maybe you scanned a document the wrong way , or you received it from a teammate . Now you want to fix . it The rotate feature of Adobe Reader might be a solution , but it is only a temporary solution . Close Adobe Reader and the PDF is upside down again . You need to rotate your document . permanently You can also ask Google for free software . There are a lot of . Some of them are genuinely free . Some pretend to be free but will inject a watermark in the rotated document or will just rotate the first

  • FlashMoto – Ultimate Solution for Flash Content Management

    Updated: 2010-05-17 18:04:20
    Its jubilation / relaxing time for all web developers as their worries regarding dealing with the immense flash content is no more a tedious job. Now you can make your Flash websites resourceful as well as captivating at the same time.  And the credit goes to Advanced Flash content management system [...]

  • How to Trackback and Why You Should

    Updated: 2010-05-17 15:42:35
    Niche In Box Niche Keywords , Content and Products all in one place at one low price Powered by MaxBlogPress Internet Marketing Strategy Helping those who are ready to help themselves learn to make money online Home About Disclosure Free Resources Products Services Articles How to Trackback and Why You Should 2010 May 17 by Jackie You may not be asking how to trackback and that may be because you don’t know the potential in using trackbacks yet . However , this week we’re going to be focusing on trackbacks . What they are , how you get them and why you would even want to think about them What is a trackback Trackbacks and pingbacks , from what I can tell , are about the same thing . It’s wordpress software’s way of notifying another site that you mentioned them over at your . site Each

  • Micro Niche Affiliate Marketing In The Works

    Updated: 2010-05-15 17:47:41
    If you have been following this blog you would know that I’ve focused a lot of effort on Micro Niche Adsense and have achieved good success so far. While I’ll still continue to grow my adsense sites, since I follow the successful XFactor’s Adsense Master Course I’m now working to create my first micro niche [...]

  • Convert Your Blog into a Professionally Printed Book [FREE Shipping]

    Updated: 2010-05-15 16:34:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Convert Your Blog into a Professionally Printed Book FREE Shipping Zain Share Got a Blog of your own Ever thought to take print outs of some of your best articles to give it so someone or make a book from them to sell or just to giveaway to your fans or readers If yes then you must be thinking , HOW How can I print my blog to make a professionally looking book out of my blog . posts Well there's an answer to this Blog2Print.com A service that helps you to make a professional looking book composed of your already published blog posts . All you have to do is tell them your blog's address and with a couple of

  • Free Utility to Enable/Disable Windows Registry Editor in One Click

    Updated: 2010-05-15 13:59:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Free Utility to Enable Disable Windows Registry Editor in One Click Zain Share If your Registry Editor is disabled after a virus attack or disabled by your system's administrator for any reason then there are number of ways to enable it . By doing a simple changes in settings of in Local Group Policy Editor Registry you can enable registry editor but why use that when there's a small application developed just for this purpose . Registry Enabler Disabler 3 will not only enable Windows registry editor but also can disable it in just one click This utility comes very handy if you're a system's admin and you

  • Guest Posting ~ What Others are Saying

    Updated: 2010-05-14 14:56:02
    Make Money Blogging No Experience Required Step by Step Help Powered by MaxBlogPress Internet Marketing Strategy Helping those who are ready to help themselves learn to make money online Home About Disclosure Free Resources Products Services Articles Guest Posting What Others are Saying 2010 May 14 by Jackie Guest Posting is the new article marketing . Yeah , it’s really that important . Instead of posting an article on a huge directory mixed in with thousands of other articles on your topic and about a million other topics you get to post an article to an eager crowd looking for the information you’re offering . Please don’t let whatever excuse you’re using for not guest posting get in your way . You don’t have to start with the biggest blog in your niche . You can start small and move up

  • PowerPoint Viewer: View PowerPoint Presentations without installing MS PowerPoint

    Updated: 2010-05-12 16:00:00
    : About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities PowerPoint Viewer : View PowerPoint Presentations without installing MS PowerPoint Zain Share Sometimes this happens when you want to show a PowerPoint presentation to someone on a system where there is no Ms Office or MS PowerPoint installed or you don't want to install any of these just to show the presentation . Limited Space in hard drive can be another possible reason that might prevent you to install complete MS Office to run the . presentation This is where PowerPoint Viewer 2007 comes handy PowerPoint viewer 2007 lets you view full-featured presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and later versions .

  • Asterpix: A Better Search Replacement to Keep Your Readers Engaged

    Updated: 2010-05-12 13:00:00
    : About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Asterpix : A Better Search Replacement to Keep Your Readers Engaged Zain Share To keep the interest of the readers alive in your blog you must engage them in keep reading your blog's contents . The more they stay , the more the page views more the page views more ad impressions and in turn which gives you more . revenue To do this you must display your contents within below or around your blog posts so that a reader can quickly switch to the articles related to the one he's reading without putting efforts in . searching After the basic Related Posts widget for blogger blog and popular LinkWithin for all

  • 1and1: Get FREE .COM Domain for One Year [Offer till May 31, 2010]

    Updated: 2010-05-09 21:14:00
    : About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities 1and1 : Get FREE COM Domain for One Year Offer till May 31, 2010 Zain Share 1and1.com is well known hosting and domain registration service for its cheap prices . Recently I visited 1and1 by chance while browsing today and found that they're running a promotion for one whole month of May 2010 and offering absolutely FREE com domain registration for whole ONE . YEAR If you're looking for purchasing a domain then this is a golden chance for you to get it FREE . This type of offer comes rarely from domain registrars and 1and1.com is running this promotion till May 31, 2010 for users . worldwide You don't have

  • Northern Voice: Tod Maffin on making your podcast awesome

    Updated: 2010-05-09 00:45:38
    It's Tod Maffin on podcasting... which is to say, solid gold advice.

  • Northern Voice: The Book Broads on turning your blog into a book

    Updated: 2010-05-09 00:42:18
    New media turning into old? It's not as counterintuitive as you might think, as Angela Crocker, Kim Plumley and Peggy Richardson of The Book Broads explained.

  • Northern Voice: Alexandra Samuel on coping with social media

    Updated: 2010-05-08 21:41:24
    Setting aside my bias (like I could actually do that), I think Alex rocked this talk - and the audience did too. Check out the Twitter stream. Here are my notes on how Alex uses social media to cope (as opposed to coping with the stress of social media!):

  • Northern Voice: Chris Messina on the open web - and what threatens to close it up

    Updated: 2010-05-08 18:55:46
    : Northern Voice : Chris Messina on the open web and what threatens to close it up Social Signal Social media that comes . alive Skip to content Contact us today Tel . 604-568-8787 Twitter : socialsignal Home Blog Speaking Workshops Open SoSi Q A About Home Blogs Rob Cottingham's blog Northern Voice : Chris Messina on the open web and what threatens to close it up What keeps Chris up at night Northern Voice : Chris Messina on the open web and what threatens to close it up 8 May , 2010 0 comments by Rob Cottingham Chris Messina Google s new open web advocate , just wrapped Northern Voice's second keynote with a call for the defence of the open web from the gatekeeper mentality . Which is why I just hit publish on my last blog post it covers some of the same terrain , and I'd like to

  • With great market share comes great responsibility

    Updated: 2010-05-08 18:24:58
    With great market share comes great responsibility Social Signal Social media that comes . alive Skip to content Contact us today Tel . 604-568-8787 Twitter : socialsignal Home Blog Speaking Workshops Open SoSi Q A About Home Blogs Rob Cottingham's blog With great market share comes great responsibility We , the users part 1 With great market share comes great responsibility 8 May , 2010 0 comments by Rob Cottingham Buy an iPhone , iPod Touch or iPad , and you get to choose from thousands and thousands of apps software that ranges from full-blown business applications to games to novelty items . But before an app can make it to your iPhone , it has to make it onto the virtual shelves of the App Store . and that means convincing Apple that the app is worthy of . inclusion Apps are rejected

  • Be an Affiliate for SpreadFirefox.com: Get Featured Place + Prizes

    Updated: 2010-05-08 12:00:00
    : About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Be an Affiliate for SpreadFirefox.com : Get Featured Place Prizes Zain Share What is Spread Firefox SpreadFirefox.com offers a simple Affiliate program that allows you to easily spread the word about Firefox . Refer people to download Firefox , earn points and a chance to be rewarded with some very cool stuff What to do to get rewards By putting buttons and or banners on your website or blog and encouraging users to download Firefox , you'll be eligible to be rewarded with some really cool stuff It’s easy and free to join All you have to do is register for the program and you'll be provided with a selection

  • Download Windows 8 Themes for Windows 7 and Vista

    Updated: 2010-05-08 10:00:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Download Windows 8 Themes for Windows 7 and Vista Zain Share Although it has been confirmed that Microsoft has plans to launch its new version of Windows Windows 8 in Mid 2011 and the work is already under progress yet this is not the right time to talk about Windows 8. There is no information available on Windows 8 including any of its features or GUI till date . But Windows fans have already started dreaming of Windows 8. Specially designers have already started designing the future Windows 8 GUI based on their imagination or prediction whatever you want to call it . At deviantART.com the largest social

  • Northern Voice: David Ng on crowdsourcing a trading-card game to teach biodiversity

    Updated: 2010-05-07 21:29:08
    David Ng's talk on Phylo - a trading-card game inspired by the study showing kids can identify more Pokémon characters than actual local species - rocked the house, not least because he had us do Chewbacca impersonations.  

  • Bryan Alexander at Northern Voice on mystery, bees and bad PowerPoint

    Updated: 2010-05-07 20:31:14
    , Bryan Alexander at Northern Voice on mystery , bees and bad PowerPoint Social Signal Social media that comes . alive Skip to content Contact us today Tel . 604-568-8787 Twitter : socialsignal Home Blog Speaking Workshops Open SoSi Q A About Home Blogs Rob Cottingham's blog Bryan Alexander at Northern Voice on mystery , bees and bad PowerPoint A touch of mystery Bryan Alexander at Northern Voice on mystery , bees and bad PowerPoint 7 May , 2010 2 comments by Rob Cottingham Is there such a thing as too much clarity Northern Voice 2010 got off to a great start this morning with Bryan Alexander s opening keynote , a call for us to embrace mystery in the online world . He surveyed the terrain of mainstream fear-mongering around the Internet Facebook can give you syphilis I'm actually willing

  • How to Open/Access Old Google.com Search Page

    Updated: 2010-05-06 22:06:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities How to Open Access Old Google.com Search Page Zain Share Google has recently updated its Search Page Google's logo has more vibrant colors now , the search box is bigger and it now includes the search button , the links from the homepage are no longer . underlined Google's search results pages include a persistent sidebar that suggests specialized search engines , advanced filters and related searches . By default , Google only shows suggestions that are relevant to your query , but you can click on more from sidebar to see other ways to refine the . results Here's what updated at Google.com over this The

  • Trick: Open Google.com Ignoring Redirection to Local Google.com.xx

    Updated: 2010-05-06 21:35:00
    : About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Trick : Open Google.com Ignoring Redirection to Local Google.com.xx Zain Share When I open Google.com it is automatically redirected to Google.com.pk since I'm in Pakistan.If you're too facing the this issue that whenever you enter simple google.com and redirected to Google's domain of your country like google.com.ph , google.co.in , google.com.hk and so . on If you don't know about the fact then let me tell you that Google.com is the main search engine from where you can see the position of your site , see more accurate global results or monitors the keywords for your site if you are a webmaster . The

  • Increase the Chances of Auto Data Recovery of MSOffice 2007 Documents

    Updated: 2010-05-06 08:44:00
    About Contact Free Link Exchange write for us Forum Live Chat Subscribe to RSS home Windows Tips Internet Tips Blogging Tips SEO Blogspot Cool Sites Security Firefox Twitter Utilities Increase the Chances of Auto Data Recovery of MSOffice 2007 Documents Zain Share MSOffice 2007 and 2010 come with Auto Recover documents feature that keeps saving your opened documents in background . So you can recover the documents you're working on in any case of disaster like power failure or sudden virus attack . If you have faced data loss of your MSOffice documents in past and seriously concerned about auto-saving of your documents then you should consider speeding up the chances of auto saving time interval in MSOffice 2007. If you want MS Word , MS Excel or MS PowerPoint 2007 to automatically save

  • Should You Kill Your Business Card And Go Virtual At Offline Networking Events?

    Updated: 2010-05-04 02:43:32
    ( You can watch the video above or if you don’t have time you can read my summary below. ) After hitting up a few networking events and meetup groupsMore...

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